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Go Back  Raspberry Pi4/5 fitting kits

Author: Steve Jones

Date: 11/09/2024 05:43:09


Raspberry Pi4/5 Pod fitting kit


One of the most fun options for creating an all-in-one retro computer is to fit a Raspberry Pi inside the case, so you can emulate a variety of different platforms right there in the case. Obviously, Raspberry Pis struggle to emulate some of the more muscular systems, from the N64 upwards, but for retro arcade machines and 8-bit consoles, you won’t find a cheaper or cleaner way to add this functionality to your system than a Raspberry Pi. Obviously, the faster you can go the better and to that end, we are working to incorporate Raspberry Pi 4s into the system, but other options will be available.


Kit includes:

  • Frame in colour to match the monitor
  • HDMI internal cable
  • Power switch and cable assembly


A variety of other SBCs can potentially be mounted into the monitor and fitting kits, and to this end, 3D print files will be shared with the maker community to work with, where possible.


This fitting kit will allow you to fit the Pi4/5, power it and connect it to the internal HDMI.



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