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Go Back  5 Way HDMI Switcher module

Author: Steve Jones

Date: 28/08/2023 07:20:55

5-Way HDMI Switcher module


One thing that users need, even if their setups are not complicated in other ways, are HDMI ports. Switchers are especially important as you will almost certainly want to attach a range of different devices to your monitor and not have to worry about plugging and unplugging them all the time. This causes wear and tear on the sockets, so we want to avoid any unnecessary plug-pulling. To this end, we can provide you with this HDMI switcher so you can plug it in and forget about it.


Included in the kit:


  • This upgrade includes the 5-way HDMI internal switcher, connecting ribbon and mount kit to attach to the Slot 0 board.


It is accessed using HDMI2 on the main controller panel and connects internally, and gives 2x internal HDMI ports for internal expansions and 3 external HDMI ports. That should be enough for anybody.


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