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Go Back  XRI Backplane upgrade

Author: Steve Jones

Date: 28/08/2023 12:01:50

XRI Backplane upgrade




Although this was never part of the Kickstarter, due to the success of the campaign we have invested in making the whole system a lot more user-friendly with this optional new plug-in backplane upgrade to save lots of connecting cables.



Obviously, as this was an after-campaign addition we can’t include this backplane for free, especially as we’ve already absorbed some increased costs. For example, the main controller board has increased in price since budgeting, but we have swallowed the cost of that. But this means we can’t absorb any more costs, so this improved backplane has to be an optional extra for a fee.



However, the good news is if you buy this backplane now, you are getting it at just over cost. If you change your mind and want it later it will most likely be double the price or more, so we recommend buying it now at the time of ordering the system, especially as it’s not a lot of money. 


The choice is yours. Food for thought.


 (All Document Attachments)
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File Name: Backplane.jpg
Mime Type: image/jpeg

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